"The most common issues people bring to therapy are anxiety, depression, isolation, confusion about life choices: where to live, what to do next; relationships, and how to navigate the endless life options available and choose one life. The last point is key, as the issue of learning to navigate the abundance of choices has become a key theme in most treatments", said Alejandro Pawliszyn, Argentinian-American psychoanalyst, who lived, studied and worked both in Argentina and in the US.
"I grew up in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires Province, in the '70s. Spending time with people, in their homes, talking and listening has been my favourite activity since I can remember. As an adult, I chose psychology as a profession because of my fascination with people, with systems and with the various ways in which people can function, healthily and unhealthily", he said. "People ask me all the time "how do you do it, how can you be listening to people's problems all day?" My answer is "I love people. I love meeting them, talking, listening. I love working with them on their personal projects. I experience profound joy in connecting and seeing the art, drama, pain, joy and adventure of human change. And I get to play a role in supporting someone in finding relief, healing, figuring things out, exploring, trying new ways of living. It is a very fulfilling activity both ethically, intellectually, emotionally. I am privileged".
Anxiety is a term used by psychologists to describe a feeling of tension, worried thoughts, our reaction to stress which brings physical changes such as the rise of blood pressure. It could be performed as feelings of uneasiness and insecurity about something, agitation, hyperactivity, tension, poor concentration, irritation, poor sleep, tiredness, negative emotions etc. Anxiety affects all domains of life, however, it is not always easy to detect it: not everyone is going to be vocal about their feelings and many are actively trying to disguise their suffering. Ana Lebovich, another psychoanalyst, also states that anxiety problems dominate in her practice: "Anxiety problems are quite frequent, as well as problems in a couple and with parents".
This is not a new deal: according to the World Health Organization, mental health is deteriorating throughout the world; levels of anxiety and depression increased over last decade 18% and 15% respectively. It is estimated that hundreds of millions people currently have anxiety, depression or even a combination of both. For the past twenty years, Argentina was always in Top-10 countries with highest level of anxiety. But what led the country to the stress?